Tummy Tuck For Men

Tummy tuck for men in Los Angeles, CAYou’ve worked hard to lose weight and to improve your muscle tone through diet and exercise programs. But when you have reached your desired weight but not your desired shape, it may be time to consider a Tummy Tuck surgery. Our Los Angeles and Beverly Hills patients choose this procedure when they are having trouble achieving a flat and toned tummy appearance.

Now that you’ve dropped the pounds, you’ve also dropped the skin – it probably hangs on your belly and creates an unflattering look. And no matter how many crunches you do, you just can’t seem to get those abdominal muscles anywhere near a six-pack. Without the help of plastic surgery, you might be stuck. No creams will lift lax tummy skin, no amount of crunches will tighten loose stomach muscles, and oftentimes even the healthiest diet will not be able to reduce certain fat deposits along the abdominal wall. Only a male tummy tuck in Los Angeles from Marina Manland can help you address these problem areas sufficiently.

This is truly a transformative procedure, and many of our patients tell us that they wish they scheduled surgery sooner. Picture yourself standing in front of a mirror in just your underwear seeing a svelte stomach that lies flat between your hips with no rolls or bulges over the elastic waistband of your underpants. You’ve done the work-outs, you’ve lost the weight, and you owe it to yourself to pursue your desired figure. Schedule a consultation today for one of the best tummy tucks for men Los Angeles has to offer.