Neck Lift for Men

Neck Lift for Men Los AngelesMany men complain of turkey gobbler or loose neck.  Nothing ages a man more than having more chins than a Chinese phone book. Neck lifts can be performed as an outpatient.  At Marina Manland, we offer both surgical and nonsurgical neck lifts.  Surgical neck lifts are more extensive and are longer lasting.  They require anesthesia and an overnight stay at the aftercare facility.  They are safe and effective and yield natural-looking, youthful results.

Nonsurgical neck lifting can be performed with a number of technologies.  Our favorite is Ultherapy.  Ultherapy uses ultrasound energy to tighten the skin, lift the skin, and make more elastin and collagen.  This procedure takes approximately two to three hours and is an outpatient procedure.  The results are visible within two to four months and are long lasting.  Ask Dr. Stevens about his personal experiences with both surgical and nonsurgical neck and face-lifting.

Do you want to learn more about a neck lift for men?  If you are interested in a neck lift consultation with one of Marina Manland’s skilled and experienced surgeons, contact us today and make an appointment.